RsCmwLteMeas Logger

Check the usage in the Getting Started chapter here.

class ScpiLogger[source]

Base class for SCPI logging


Sets the logging ON or OFF. Additionally, you can set the logging ON only for errors. Possible values:

  • LoggingMode.Off - logging is switched OFF

  • LoggingMode.On - logging is switched ON

  • LoggingMode.Errors - logging is switched ON, but only for error entries

  • LoggingMode.Default - sets the logging to default - the value you have set with logger.default_mode


Sets / returns the default logging mode. You can recall the default mode by calling the logger.mode = LoggingMode.Default.

Data Type:


device_name: str

Use this property to change the resource name in the log from the default Resource Name (e.g. TCPIP:: to another name e.g. ‘MySigGen1’.

set_logging_target(target, console_log: bool = None, udp_log: bool = None) None[source]

Sets logging target - the target must implement write() and flush(). You can optionally set the console and UDP logging ON or OFF. This method switches the logging target global OFF.


Based on the global_mode, it returns the logging target: either the local or the global one.

set_logging_target_global(console_log: bool = None, udp_log: bool = None) None[source]

Sets logging target to global. The global target must be defined. You can optionally set the console and UDP logging ON or OFF.


Returns logging to console status.


Returns logging to UDP status.


Returns true, if both logging to UDP and console in are True.

info_raw(log_entry: str, add_new_line: bool = True) None[source]

Method for logging the raw string without any formatting.

info(start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime, log_string_info: str, log_string: str) None[source]

Method for logging one info entry. For binary log_string, use the info_bin()

error(start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime, log_string_info: str, log_string: str) None[source]

Method for logging one error entry.

set_relative_timestamp(timestamp: datetime) None[source]

If set, the further timestamps will be relative to the entered time.

set_relative_timestamp_now() None[source]

Sets the relative timestamp to the current time.

get_relative_timestamp() datetime[source]

Based on the global_mode, it returns the relative timestamp: either the local or the global one.

clear_relative_timestamp() None[source]

Clears the reference time, and the further logging continues with absolute times.

flush() None[source]

Flush all the entries.


Sets / returns the current status of status checking OK. If True (default), the log contains logging of the status checking ‘Status check: OK’. If False, the ‘Status check: OK’ is skipped - the log is more compact. Errors will still be logged.

clear_cached_entries() None[source]

Clears potential cached log entries. Cached log entries are generated when the Logging is ON, but no target has been defined yet.

set_format_string(value: str, line_divider: str = '\n') None[source]

Sets new format string and line divider. If you just want to set the line divider, set the format string value=None The original format string is: PAD_LEFT12(%START_TIME%) PAD_LEFT25(%DEVICE_NAME%) PAD_LEFT12(%DURATION%)  %LOG_STRING_INFO%: %LOG_STRING%

restore_format_string() None[source]

Restores the original format string and the line divider to LF

abbreviated_max_len_ascii: int

Defines the maximum length of one ASCII log entry. Default value is 200 characters.

abbreviated_max_len_bin: int

Defines the maximum length of one Binary log entry. Default value is 2048 bytes.

abbreviated_max_len_list: int

Defines the maximum length of one list entry. Default value is 100 elements.

bin_line_block_size: int

Defines number of bytes to display in one line. Default value is 16 bytes.


Returns udp logging port.


Returns status of the auto-flushing for the logging target.